Making the owl costume from Clara Tale

Here’s a short video we made, which will show you how to make the owl costume from Clara Tale.

This is great if you’d like to do something a bit more involved than the art-based activities rom Clara Tale, since this takes a little more prep time and takes a little longer. But hey – at the end of it you’ll have a cute little owl costume!

Here’s the list of materials and supplies you’ll need (this list is also in the video):

  • Onesie, or a t-shirt or other top if you’re making it for a bigger kid
  • Felt sheets – to cut out shapes for the feathers on the body, and for the eyes and beak on the mask. We got these from our local craft store, Michael’s, for about 29 cents each. Get as few or as many different colors as you’d like to use.
  • Feathers – these will be used on the mask. We got a small bag from Michael’s for about two dollars.
  • Scissors, preferably fabric scissors.
  • Pins
  • A glue gun.

Lastly, you’ll want to download this PDF file (which you can open in Adobe Acrobat Reader on your PC or Preview on your Mac), which is a printout with shapes you can cut out and use as templates for the feathers, eyes, beak and mask.

We hope you enjoy making the costume, and send us a picture of the costume when you’re done. You can send the picture to

One Response to “Making the owl costume from Clara Tale”

  1. Kent & Geri Johnson says:

    This video is as refreshing as the air at sunrise. What a novel idea to have children entertain their peers. All the actors were very captivating. It melted the hearts of this senior couple.

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