Clara Tale

Here is our first film – Clara Tale. It’s a short original fairy tale about a little girl who faces challenges in her life, but overcomes them with help from a magical visitor.

We made this film on a shoestring budget. We used props and costumes that we had to hand (or could easily pull together at almost no expense). We used camera, lighting and sound equipment we or family members owned or could borrow. And the kids in the movie are our own kids or those of friends or family members. Editing, coloring and other post-production stuff was also done by us. And of course, we wrote the story and subsequently the script too.

But Clara Tale is intended to be a prototype for what this project is all about, which is – yes – about producing a series of these short original fairy tales starring and narrated by kids. But it’s also about much more. If you haven’t yet, we encourage you to view our Kickstarter video, which is a great summary of what it is we’re trying to achieve. If you want more details, or just a written version, you can check out our About page.

The point is that, although we want to provide meaningful, wholesome entertainment, we also want to provide a starting point for parents or other caregivers to have meaningful conversations with their kids, and also want to stimulate kids to be creative in a variety of ways.

If that is something that resonates with you, you may want to check out a couple of other things:

  • A set of simple art-based activities which were designed by an art therapist we know, and which are based on Clara Tale. You can do these with almost no prep time or special art supplies.
  • A how-to video on making the owl costume from the film. This is a bit more involved, and requires more prep time.

And, if you’re just in the mood for watching more entertaining videos, you may choose to watch the outtakes from making Clara Tale. This is something we plan to put together for all our fairy tales.

If you’re curious about the music in the film, we used two pieces:

7 Responses to “Clara Tale”

  1. Khaliel Kelly says:

    Yours is an outstanding project — beautifully crafted and executed.

  2. Clara Tales says:

    Thank you for your comment!

  3. ClaraTales Fan says:

    So lovely! I hope you get the support you need to keep making more!

  4. Rose says:

    I discovered you through a link on a friend’s facebook page. This tale was wonderful and own four little kids loved it. We look forward to seeing more!

  5. Michaela Cottle says:

    What a lovely video and lovely idea and very charmingly done.

  6. I am thrilled beyond belief to have found this! Thanks so much!

  7. Lincoln Pixton {: says:

    I love claratales!

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